

The Sociable Society In The Press: May 2024 Edition

The Sociable Society has been making headlines, and we’re thrilled to give you a peek into what’s been happening. In this month’s edition of TSS in The Press, we’ll explore our recent media features, highlighting both our agency’s achievements and the incredible stories of our creators.

TSS in Business Insider

Business Insider The Sociable Society Top Influencer Agency

First up, we were so happy to be featured in Business Insider as one of the top influencer agencies of 2024. This recognition is huge for us, highlighting our role in managing and promoting creators on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It’s an honor to be acknowledged for our efforts to help creators build lasting and impactful careers.

Daily Mail: Love Against the Odds

Emily Stomatuk Michael Justin Daily Mail Marriage The Sociable Society

Our amazing creators, Emily Stomatuk and Michael Justin, were featured in the Daily Mail for their incredible love story. They are in a marriage with a significant age gap and have faced a lot of societal criticism. Despite this, their love story is thriving. The article delves into their journey and how they’ve overcome these challenges together.

New York Post: Family Dynamics in Age-Gap Relationships

Emily and Michael were also featured in the New York Post! In this article they focus on their marriage with a substantial age difference and specifically how her parents reacted. This piece offers a touching glimpse into the personal side of her life and the complexities of navigating family dynamics.

Wrapping Up

May has been an incredible month for us at The Sociable Society. From being recognized by Business Insider as a top-tier agency to sharing deeply personal and inspiring stories of our creators, we’re so proud of the impact we’re making. We’re committed to supporting and amplifying diverse voices, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Stay tuned for more updates and stories from The Sociable Society. Here’s to more success and heartwarming tales!

Until next time,

The Sociable Society Team